Every Child Deserves A


Do you recognize any of these concerns in your child?

Snoring, Mouth breathing
Bed Wetting
Difficulty in School
​Hyperactivity, Aggressive Behavior Chronic Allergies
Swollen Adenoids/Tonsils
Restless Sleep, Nightmares Crowded/Crooked Teeth

Your Child may be suffering from sleep disordered breathing


A radical solution for sleep disordered breathing

With the lack of proper jaw and dental arch development that can be due to limited or no breast feeding, weak tongue and oral muscles, crooked/crowded teeth forcing the tongue in a wrong position, a soft diet and processed foods, poor oral habits as thumb sucking, pacifiers, tongue thrust. Your child can be suffering from a compromised airway that eventually leads to less oxygen reaching the brain during sleep preventing your child from entering the REM stage of deep sleeping that is essential for growth and development.

Sleep disordered breathing can manifest it self in different problems like:
Mouth Breathing / snoring.
Restless sleep, daytime drowsiness
Hyperactivity, Aggressive Behavior
Bed Wetting, nightmares
Chronic allergies, Swollen Adenoids/Tonsils
Difficulty in school

The HealthyStart™ System has been specifically designed to promote the proper growth and development of the jaw and airway to optimize airflow and promote proper nasal breathing while straightening your child’s teeth. As these areas develop many of the symptoms of Sleep Disordered Breathing disappear. When kids can breathe properly, they can begin to learn, grow, and blossom into their true genetic potential.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Sleep Disordered Breathing?

Without proper tongue placement when sleeping, the jaw drops back, and takes the tongue with it leading to a constriction in the air way while sleeping. This compromises the amount of oxygen reaching the brain while sleeping, which leads to snoring, swollen tonsils or adenoids, tooth decay, bed wetting, restless sleep, delayed or arrested growth, chronic allergies, eczema, asthma, depression, headaches, and the appearance of ADD/ADHD type of behavior and even Bed wetting as a distress call from the oxygen thirsty brain.

Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB) is now tied by research to crooked and crowded teeth, arrested growth and development of the jaws, behavioral challenges which can have a similar appearance to ADD / ADHD and even Bed-Wetting.

What Causes Sleep Disordered Breathing?

•Underdeveloped dental arches and jaws due to limited or no breast feeding.
•Weak tongue and Oral muscles due to soft diet/processed foods.
•Poor Oral habits as thumb sucking, pacifiers, tongue thrust.

All of these places the tongue is an unfavorable position during sleeping, this promotes mouth breathing, open the mouth during breathing severely compromises the airway. The lower jaw also drops backward blocking the airway further more.

Blocking the airway leads to snoring that could range from being minimum to being to loud, sometimes the airway is severely blocked the child stops breathing and wakes up gasping for air several times during the night. Other factors like enlarged adenoids and tonsils, fat deposition in the neck region of overweight kids, and neuro-muscular problems like cerebral palsy can also cause airway constriction.

What are the Symptoms of Sleep Disordered Breathing?

What is the Healthy Start System?

The HealthyStart™ System helps in promoting the proper growth and development of the jaw and airway optimizing the airflow and promote proper nasal breathing while straightening your child’s teeth. As these areas develop many of the symptoms of Sleep Disordered Breathing disappear. When kids can breathe properly, they can begin to learn, grow, and blossom into their true potential.

The HealthyStart™ System is a group of removable appliances resembling night guards that the child wears during his sleeps it aids in the correct growth and alignment of the lower jaw, expanding the arches to ensure incoming permanent teeth have enough room to erupt in straight, and develop proper oral habits.

The HealthyStart™ System works with the natural forces of tooth eruption. The soft, comfortable, removable devices gently guide the erupting teeth into their perfect positions it guides the growth of the orofacial system and teeth eruption into their healthy positions.

How Does the Healthy Start System Work?

Depending On The Age Of Your Child The System Uses a Series Of Appliances:

Habit-Corrector: The habit-corrector eliminates or improves current oral habits that can damage your child’s dental health. He or she wears the habit-corrector at night while sleeping. With a design similar to that of a pacifier, your child will become used to wearing a device in his or her mouth every night. This step lasts about 1-5 months.

Second Phase: Your child will get an appliance customized and sized for your child to wear every night. It aids the incoming teeth into their proper places, corrects jaw relations, and expands your child’s arches for the incoming adult teeth. Your child will wear this device for 2-6 months.

Final Final Phase: The final treatment begins with a device that accommodates incoming adult teeth. It begins when your child has at least 4 permanent teeth. This phase is extremely important because his or her adult teeth are forming and the gum tissue fibers are starting to attach the teeth in the mouth. Healthy Start works perfectly to ensure the teeth erupt into proper alignment. ​

Before and After Photos

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Online assessment.​​
Preferred to be done on your computer. Please:
1- Download the form Fill the form.
2-Save your changes in the form.
3-Email it to: info@claritydental.com.